Audi A4 with 2001- 2005 of release.
1. Operation and car maintenance service
2. The engine
3. Transmission
4. A running gear
5. The steering mechanism
6. Brake system
6.1. Preliminary checks
6.2. Repair of brake system
6.3. Repair of brakes of forward wheels
6.4. System ABS
6.5. Tables
7. An onboard electric equipment
8. A body
9. Electric equipment schemes
Это надо знать:
6. Brake system
Preliminary checks
Brake disks
Check of brake system
Replacement of a brake liquid
Visual check of brake system on presence
and damages
Check of a thickness of brake overlays
Check at high and at low pressure
Check of residual pressure
Troubleshooting at unilateral deterioration brake
Check of the main brake cylinder
Prorolling of brake system
Process of removal of air for cars with electronic system of maintenance of course stability (ESP)
Repair of brake system
The amplifier of a brake drive
type / the main brake cylinder in cars with the left wheel
Removal and installation of the vacuum pump of brakes
Removal and installation of the gauge of pressure of the amplifier of a brake drive
The electric vacuum pump
Repair of brakes of forward wheels
Removal and installation brake
Brake of forward wheels FN3
Removal and installation brake
Ceramic brake of forward wheels CSIC
Removal and installation brake
Removal and installation brake
(a brake of back wheels C38)
Brake of back wheels RS4 (TYPE 8EC) / C43
Removal and installation of cables of a lay brake, cars from a forward drive
Removal and installation of cables of a lay brake (cars with a full drive)
Removal and installation of the lever of a manual brake
Removal and installation of a basic pillow for a brake pedal
System ABS
Instructions on carrying out of repair work with antiblocking system
Antiblocking system (ABS) Bosch 5.7
Removal and installation of the hydraulic block of management
Replacement of the block of management ABS
Removal and installation of the hydraulic block
Removal and installation of components of system ABS on a forward axis
Removal and installation of the gauge of frequency of rotation on a back axis
Removal and rotor installation on a back axis
Removal and rotor installation on a back axis
Removal and installation of the switch of stoplights
Removal and installation of the gauge of cross-section accelerations and the gauge of rotation round a vertical axis
Removal and installation of the gauge of pressure in brake system
Table 6.1. Technical characteristics of brake system
Table 6.2. Technical characteristics of brake disks
Table 6.3. Technical characteristics of a ceramic brake of forward wheels CISC
5.3.2. Table 5.2. The set pressure of the pump (superfluous pressure)
6.1. Preliminary checks