2.9.16. Replacement маслосъемных capsRemove
Remove the engine: cars from a manual transmission. Cars with an automatic transmission.
Remove chains of a drive of camshafts from these shaft.
Remove camshafts.
Unscrew spark plugs a candle key.
Turn roller levers upwards and fix their rubber plait ( fig. 2.464).
Fig. 2.465. Installation of a directing plate from the adaptation for installation of crackers of valves on ГБЦ
Establish directing plate from the adaptation for installation of crackers of valves on ГБЦ ( fig. 2.465).
Fix directing plate by means of bolts with накатанной a head.
At impossibility of fastening of a directing plate drill fixing apertures прибл. On 0,5 mm.
Insert the mandrel into an adjusting plate and beat out got stuck checks of valves a plastic hammer.
Screw a lattice with pendant plugs in directing plate.
Insert an adjusting cartridge into directing plate.
Twist by hand the adapter with a sealing ring in a nest of a corresponding spark plug and constantly to force pressure.
The minimum pressure: 6 bar of superfluous pressure.
Suspend a press plug to a lattice and press an adjusting cartridge downwards.
Simultaneously twist a bolt with накаткой an adjusting cartridge to the right while the ends will not enter into valve crackers.
Slightly turn a bolt with накатанной a head to the left and to the right, at the expense of it valve crackers it are unclenched and grasped by a cartridge.
Release a press plug.
Take an adjusting cartridge.
Turn away directing plate.
Pressure head hose do not disconnect.
Remove маслосъемные caps by means of a stripper.
The complete set new маслосъемных caps includes the plastic plug And ( fig. 2.175).
For removal маслосъемных caps from the delivery complete set it is necessary to drill the adaptation for напрессовки маслосъемных caps for the diameter of 10,5 mm.
Establish the plastic plug And on a core of the valve in order to avoid damages new маслосъемных caps of Century
Slightly grease a working edge маслосъемного a cap.
Spread маслосъемный a cap on the plastic plug.
Accurately запрессуйте a cap by means of the adaptation on directing plug of the valve.
Again remove the plastic plug.
After extraction of crackers of the valve from an adjusting cartridge, they at first are necessary for inserting into the adjusting adaptation ( fig. 2.176).
Bolshy diameter of crackers of the valve specifies upwards.
Insert a spring of the valve and a spring plate.
Again screw directing plate on a head of the block of cylinders.
Insert an adjusting cartridge into directing plate.
Press a press plug and pull a bolt with накатанной a head upwards – valve crackers thereby will be inserted.
Unload a press plug at вытягивании a bolt with накатанной a head.
Establish cam-shafts.
Establish chains of a drive of camshafts.
Establish the engine.
After installation of camshafts the engine it should is impossible to start Hydrojacks within approximately 30 minutes to be besieged (differently valves will be adjoin to pistons).
After works over клапанным the mechanism scroll the engine by hand not less than two turns that be convinced that any valve does not adjoin to the piston.
The sizes of the valve
To process inlet and final valves it is forbidden. Grinding in is supposed only.
Processing of saddles of valves
If at the expense of grinding faultlessness of a working surface of a saddle of the valve is not reached, it follows дообработать.
At repair of engines with leaky valves to process or replace saddles of valves and valves it is not enough. Especially in engines with long service life it is necessary to check up directing plugs of valves on deterioration.
Saddles of valves should be processed only so to reach a faultless kind of a working surface.
Before processing it is necessary to calculate as much as possible admissible allowance on processing.
At allowance excess on processing functioning of hydrojacks that will cause replacement ГБЦ can be broken.
If the valve at repair is replaced, at measurements it is necessary to use the new valve.
Measure distance And between the end of a core of the valve and the average bridge of cam-shafts (the average bridge is located at height of top edge ГБЦ) ( fig. 2.466).
Fig. 2.466. Distance measurement between the end of a core of the valve and the average bridge of cam-shafts
Calculate as much as possible admissible allowance on processing, proceeding from the measured distance and the minimum size.
The minimum size
The measured distance a minus the minimum size = as much as possible admissible allowance on processing.
Example for the external inlet valve:
The measured distance (39,7 mm) a minus the minimum size (39,3 mm) we will receive макс. An allowance on processing (0,4 mm).
If as much as possible admissible allowance on processing is equal 0 or less 0 mm, repeat measurement with the new valve. If the result on the former is equal 0 mm or less 0 mm, ГБЦ it is necessary to replace.
Fig. 2.467. The scheme of processing of a saddle of the valve
Saddle of the inlet valve
a – diameter of 26,6 mm.
b – approximately 0,04 in.
Z – a bottom edge of a head of the block of cylinders.
a – 45 a corner of a facet of a saddle of the valve.
b – 30 a corner of the top correcting facet.
g – 60 a corner of the bottom correcting facet.
Saddle of the final valve
a – diameter of 26,0 mm.
b – approximately 0,04 in.
Z – a bottom edge of a head of the block of cylinders.
a – 45 a corner of a facet of a saddle of the valve.
b – 30 a corner of the top correcting facet.
g – 60 a corner of the bottom correcting facet.