2.9.12. An arrangement of loose leaves of the basic bearings on new cranked shaftAccessory of loose leaves of the radical bearings established in the block of cylinders
Fig. 2.454. Marks of loose leaves of radical bearings
At factory in the block of cylinders loose leaves of bearings of a correct thickness are established. For marks of a thickness of loose leaves of bearings colour points on the bearing loose leaf serve.
The arrangement of loose leaves of bearings in the block of cylinders is noted by the certain letter on a forward left-hand side of the block of cylinders (to read outside), as is shown in drawing.
The letter designation also is beaten out on a basic frame crankshaftа.
Arrangement of loose leaves of the bearing of cranked shaft in a frame crankshaftа – crankshaft manufacturer Alfing
Fig. 2.455. Marks of loose leaves of the bearing of cranked shaft Alfing
At factory in a cam-shaft frame loose leaves of bearings of a correct thickness are established. For marks of a thickness of loose leaves of bearings colour points on the bearing loose leaf serve.
The accessory of loose leaves of bearings to a basic frame of a cranked shaft is designated on cheeks of a cranked shaft by a colour point for each loose leaf, as is shown in drawing.
On crankshaftах from manufacturer Alfing there are no marks of the manufacturer.
Arrangement of loose leaves of the bearing of cranked shaft in a frame crankshaftа – crankshaft manufacturer Weber
At factory in a cam-shaft frame loose leaves of bearings of a correct thickness are established. For marks of a thickness of loose leaves of bearings colour points on the bearing loose leaf serve.
The accessory of each loose leaf of the radical bearing to a basic frame of a cranked shaft is designated by one letter on a forward cheek of a cranked shaft, as is shown in drawing. The letter X designates the end of an alphabetic number and 1 party of belt pulleys is located near to colour marks of the bearing.
Fig. 2.456. Marks of loose leaves of the bearing of cranked shaft Weber
On crankshaftах from manufacturer Weber there are no marks And on a lobby sidewallsе crankshaftа.
An alphabetic number begins at the left with the bearing 5 party of a flywheel.
Accessory of loose leaves of radical bearings for were in the use and the restored cranked shaft