2.8.20. Replacement маслосъемных capsOperating procedure
Remove camshafts.
Mark for the further installation an arrangement of roller levers and basic elements.
Take roller levers together with basic elements and put them on a pure lining.
Unscrew spark plugs a candle key.
Establish the mandrel on a plate клапанной springs and beat out got stuck checks of valves a plastic hammer.
Fig. 2.386. Installation of a directing plate from the adaptation for installation valve checks on ГБЦ
Establish directing plate from the adaptation for installation valve checks on ГБЦ ( fig. 2.386).
Fix directing plate bolts with накаткой.
Twist by hand the adapter with a sealing ring in a nest of a corresponding spark plug and constantly to force pressure.
The minimum pressure: 6 bar of superfluous pressure.
Twist the adaptation with a pendant plug in directing plate.
Insert an adjusting cartridge into directing plate.
Suspend a plug on the adaptation and press an adjusting cartridge downwards ( fig. 2.387).
Simultaneously turn a bolt with накаткой an adjusting cartridge to the right while the ends will be not included into valve checks.
Slightly turn a bolt with накаткой forward and back, at the expense of it valve crackers are unclenched also a cartridge is grasped.
Release a press plug.
Take an adjusting cartridge.
Turn off directing plate and take aside.
The hose of forced air remains attached.
Remove клапанную a spring with a plate.
Remove маслосъемные caps by means of a stripper ( fig. 2.388).
If because of a lack of a place the stripper supply to маслосъемным to caps is not possible, for this purpose
выпрессуйте a tension pin of a stripper оправкой also remove a stripper nozzle ( fig. 2.173).
Put the bottom part to маслосъемному to a cap.
Fig. 2.389. Fixing маслосъемного a cap with the help send
Fix with the help send or a tap 1 how it is shown in drawing 2.389.
Establish the adjusting lever on and take маслосъемный a cap.
The complete set new маслосъемных caps includes the plastic plug And (fig. 2.175).
Establish the plastic plug And on a core of the valve in order to avoid damages new маслосъемных caps of Century
Slightly grease a working edge маслосъемного a cap.
Spread маслосъемный a cap on the plastic plug.
Accurately запрессуйте a cap with the help on directing plug of the valve.
Again remove the plastic plug.
After extraction the check of the valve from an adjusting cartridge at first is necessary for inserting them into the adjusting adaptation ( fig. 2.176).
Bolshy diameter valve checks is directed upwards.
Establish клапанную a spring and a plate.
Narrow coils of a spring are directed to ГБЦ ( fig. 2.390).
Again fasten directing plate to ГБЦ.
Establish an adjusting cartridge in directing plate.
Press a press plug downwards and unscrew a bolt with накаткой upwards – checks of valves ( fig. 2.387) thus are inserted .
Unload a press plug at even extended bolt with накатанной a head.
Watch that all roller levers have been correctly enclosed to the ends of cores of valves and заклипсованы in a corresponding basic element.
Establish cam-shafts.
Screw spark plugs.
After installation of cam-shafts the engine it should is impossible to get Hydrojacks within approximately 30 minutes to be besieged (differently valves will be adjoin to pistons).
After works over клапанным the mechanism scroll the engine by hand not less than two turns that be convinced that any valve does not adjoin to the piston.