2.6.9. Removal and installation of atomizersRemoval
Remove an inlet collector and a fuel stage.
Remove atomizers if they remained in a fuel stage
Cautiously take atomizers from a fuel stage.
Remove atomizers if they remained in a head of the block of cylinders
Remove an inlet collector and a fuel stage.
Fig. 2.238. A fuel atomizer: 1 – the radial jack, replace at damage; 2 – consolidation of the chamber of combustion (a teflon sealing ring) replace; it is not supposed, that at installation the ring has been covered консистентной or any other greasing; 3 – deepening on an atomizer; 4 – распорное a ring (replace at damage); 5 – a sealing ring (replace, at installation slightly grease with pure engine oil); 6 – a basic ring (through this basic ring the fuel stage transfers effort which keeps an atomizer in a head of the block of cylinders)
At the established atomizer the radial jack is attached клипсой 1 to a basic ring 6 (fig. 2.238). For atomizer removal it is necessary to remove a basic ring from an atomizer that it was possible to enter a stripper into deepening on an atomizer 3.
Close open inlet channels a pure rag.
Disconnect electric штекерное connection on an assorted atomizer.
Fig. 2.239. Removal of a basic ring from an atomizer
Unbend in the parties by means of a screw-driver fixing ledges of the radial jack and pull together a basic ring from an atomizer ( fig. 2.239).
Fig. 2.240. Installation of a beater with a stripper
Further enter a stripper into deepening on an atomizer and cautiously beat out an atomizer. As a result, probably, the radial jack (breakage of fixing ledges) will be damaged. It is necessary to replace it at the subsequent installation of an atomizer.
Consolidation of the chamber of combustion is necessarily replaced before new installation of an atomizer.