2.3.2. Removal and installation semi wedge a belt
Fig. 2.97. A contour semi wedge a belt: 1 – damper крутильных fluctuations; 2 – tension damper semi wedge a belt; 3 – поликлиновый a belt; 4 – the generator; 5 – the hydraulic booster pump; 6 – by-pass a roller; 7 – the conditioner compressor
Before removal semi wedge a belt mark a direction of a course with a chalk or a felt-tip pen. Change of a direction of a course before a maintained belt can lead to its damage
Mark a course direction semi wedge a belt.
For easing semi wedge a belt turn tension damper on an arrow ( fig. 2.64).
Fix a tension element by means of a clamp.
Remove поликлиновый a belt.
Check up correctness of position semi wedge a belt.
Get the engine and check up a belt course.
Keeping a tension element a wrench, take a stopper and loosen the a tension element.