2.3.10. Removal and installation of a cranked shaft
Fig. 2.126. Components of a cranked shaft: 1 – a bolt 65 Нм + to tighten on 1/4 about. (90 ); 2 – a bearing cover; 3 – a bolt 10 Нм + to tighten on 1/4 about. (90 ); 4 – the needle bearing; 5 – a gauge gear wheel; 6 – a cranked shaft; 7 – adjusting washers; 8 – the loose leaf of the bearing established in the block of cylinders; 9 – an asterisk; 10 – the loose leaf of the bearing established in a cover of the bearing
For performance of adjusting works it is necessary to fix the engine катователем at the adjusting stand.
Removal and installation of a gear wheel of the gauge
Fig. 2.127. The scheme of installation of a bolt with a secret head
Replace a gear wheel of the gauge 2 after each untwisting of bolts 1 ( fig. 2.127).
After the second inhaling of a point of fastening of screws with a secret head in a gauge gear wheel it is deformed so strongly that heads of screws lie down on cranked to a shaft 3 and cease to press a gauge gear wheel.
Installation of a gear wheel of the gauge is possible only in one position, apertures should be displaced.
The inhaling moment:
– A gear wheel of the gauge of number of turns of the engine to crankshaftу* – 10 Нм +90 **
* Replace a bolt.
** 90 there correspond turn quarters.
Accessory of loose leaves of the radical bearings established in the block of cylinders
Fig. 2.128. An accessory of loose leaves of the radical bearings established in the block of cylinders
At factory in the block of cylinders loose leaves of bearings of a correct thickness are established. For a designation of a thickness of loose leaves of bearings colour marks serve.
The arrow specifies a movement direction.
What bearing should be used in a certain place, it is specified on the bottom landing surface of the block of cylinders by alphabetic marks.
The loose leaves of radical bearings established in covers of bearings, are delivered in quality spare parts only with "yellow" colour marks.