7.5.16. Repair of contacts in cases of socketsAt first if necessary open or unblock secondary fastening of the case of a socket.
Unblock contact (primary fastening) a suitable master key ( fig. 7.119).
Take contact from the socket case, having pulled for a separate wire.
Take a yellow repair wire with the necessary contact from a set for repair of cables.
Liberate a wire which is necessary for repairing (about 20 sm in both parties from a repair place).
If necessary remove a winding of a plait of conducting by a penknife.
Fig. 7.120. Installation of new contact in the socket case
Insert new contact of a repair wire into the case of a socket to защелкивания ( fig. 7.120).
Spread a wire sealant on a repair wire.
Smaller diameter of a sealant thus should be настороне socket cases.
Insert a sealant by means of approaching помнтажного the tool into the socket case.
Обрежте a repair and separate wire in the car till necessary length pincers for зачистки isolation.
Smooth out 6–7 mm of isolation from the ends of wires by means of pincers for зачистки isolation ( fig. 7.116).
Опрессуйте the smoothed out ends of wires blooming pincers and a sleeve as it is described in the head wire Breakage in one place.
In need of repair of several wires it is necessary to observe certain distance between blooming sleeves. That in a grasp the plait of wires has not appeared after repair too thick, blooming sleeves establish with some displacement rather each other.
If initially repaired place has been wound by an insulating tape after its repair it is necessary to wind with a yellow insulating tape.
The repaired plait of wires after should be fixed if necessary a collar for a coupler of wires to avoid extraneous sounds at driving.