Audi A4 with 2001- 2005 of release.
1. Operation and car maintenance service
2. The engine
3. Transmission
4. A running gear
5. The steering mechanism
6. Brake system
7. An onboard electric equipment
7.1. The general data
7.2. Power supplies system
7.3. The generator
7.4. A starter
7.5. Relay blocks, sockets and safety locks
7.5.1. Removal and installation of the block of management of a combination of devices
7.5.2. Multicontact sockets in the block of management of a combination of devices
7.5.3. Removal and installation of the block of safety locks
7.5.4. Removal and installation of the block of management of an onboard network
7.5.5. Removal and installation of the 9-nested block of the relay
7.5.6. Removal and installation of the 3-nested block of the relay
7.5.7. Removal and installation of the 4-nested block of the relay
7.5.8. Removal and installation left штекерной pads
7.5.9. Removal and installation of the central block of management of system Komfort
7.5.10. Removal and installation right штекерной pads
7.5.11. Removal and installation of a box of the main safety lock in a luggage carrier behind at the left – Audi RS4
7.5.12. Removal and installation of the block of the main safety lock – cars with the accumulator in a motor compartment
7.5.13. The general instructions on repair electricians of the car
7.5.14. Repair of wires of tyre CAN
7.5.15. Breakage of a wire with repair in two places
7.5.16. Repair of contacts in cases of sockets
7.5.17. Mechanical blocking of the case of a socket
7.5.18. Round contacts
7.5.19. Flat contacts to asymmetrical lock uvulas
8. A body
9. Electric equipment schemes



7.5.14. Repair of wires of tyre CAN

As tyre CAN wire the two-core wire 1 and 2 with section 0,35 мм2 or 0,5 мм2 is used.
The colour coding of wires of tyre CAN to find in the following table
Tyre CAN-High wire, privodoranzhevyj/the black;
Tyre CAN-High wire, komfortoranzhevyj / the green;
Tyre CAN-High wire, Infotainment the orange / violet;
Wire CAN-Low all) the orange / brown.
Repair of wires of tyre CAN is authorised to be spent with use both a repair wire of suitable section, and the braided wires green / yellow or white / yellow according to the catalogue of spare parts.
At repair both wires of tyres should have identical length. At twisting of wires 1 and 2 length of a coil should make A=20 mm.
Thus the wire piece, for example, in the field of welded contacts more long B=50 mm without twisting of wires should not be formed.
Wind the repaired piece with a yellow insulating tape to designate that in the given place repair has been made.

Replacement of antenna wires
The new concept of repair has been developed for repair of antenna wires. As spare parts, instead of antenna wires entirely, connecting wires of various length, and also various адаптерные cables now are offered.

The general description
Antenna wires are not subject to repair. In need of their repair it is necessary to replace with connecting wires and адаптерными the cables offered as original spare parts.
The given original spare parts approach for replacement of all antenna wires of any section.
Cases of tips are accessible to antenna cables in quality spare parts only one colour, however can be used for replacement of antenna tips of any colour.
Replacement of separately antenna tips in case of repair is not provided.
These wires can be used in all models VW with antenna wires of any section.
All connecting wires and согласующие cables approach for any accepted and transferred signals.
The given repair concept can be used also at testing and the additional equipment.

The review of installation of an antenna wire
Example: the antenna wire from a radio tape recorder to the aerial is damaged. Following wires are necessary for repair:
1 – адаптерный a cable, for connection to a radio tape recorder. The length nearby 30 see
2 – the connecting wire delivered of various length.
3 – адаптерный a cable, for connection to the aerial. The length nearby 30 see

Installation of a new antenna wire
Disconnect tips of the damaged antenna wire from devices.

Remember that depending on a complete set of the car the total length of an antenna wire because of blocks of management of a choice of aerials, blocks of management of a radio communication or antenna amplifiers can be divided into pieces. In each case it is necessary replace only the damaged piece.

Define an arrangement of the laid damaged antenna wire in the car and to measure total length of the damaged antenna wire.

Fig. 7.111. Wires necessary for repair of an antenna wire

The total length of an antenna wire consists of length necessary адаптерных cables 1 and 3, and also lengths of a connecting wire 2 (fig. 7.111).
Take away from the measured total length of an antenna wire of 60 sm that define length of a necessary connecting wire 2.
To get necessary адаптерные cables 13, and also connecting wires of 2 correct lengths according to the catalogue of spare parts.
Отрежте tips of the damaged antenna wire.
The rest of the damaged antenna wire remains in the car.
Connect адаптерные cables 1 and 3 to car devices.
Lay and fix a connecting wire 2 directly near to "a serial" wire.

Antenna wires cannot be cracked and strongly to bend. The bend radius should be not less than 50 mm.

Connect a connecting wire with адаптерными cables.

Repair of wires of section to 0,35 мм2
At repair of wires with section to 0,35 мм2 it is necessarily necessary напрессовать new tips blooming pincers for contacts JPT, or blooming pincers (without a head) VAS 1978/12 with the established replaceable head for contacts JPT – VAS 1978/91. Because of small sizes of a current strength in the given wires, in микро – and миллидиапазоне, it is wrong опрессованные contacts lead to transitive resistance and cause failures or failure of any system. Most often such contacts meet in following devices:
– A ljambda-probe;
– The gauge of number of turns;
– A measuring instrument of the mass expense of air.
Thanks to application of blooming pincers for contacts JPT or blooming pincers (without a head) with the established replaceable head for contacts JPT correct connection between blooming contact, a wire and a wire sealant (Seal) is provided. Use the tool only directly.

On repair wires напрессованы the standard or gilt tips. At repair follows always use such tip which has been applied initially.

Опрессовка a new tip with a wire sealant
Insert a replaceable head for contacts JPT into blooming pincers (the basis of handles).

Fig. 7.112. Sealant installation

Spread a wire sealant on a repair wire (fig. 7.112).

Smaller diameter of a sealant thus should be on the tip party.

Fig. 7.113. Wire installation in blooming pincers

Open blooming pincers and insert the end of a repair wire into an aperture for зачистки isolation (fig. 7.113).
Completely compress pincers.
Again open pincers and take the smoothed out wire.
Shift a sealant of a wire towards the smoothed out end that it came to an end flush with wire isolation.
Insert new blooming a tip into a pharynx of blooming pincers.

Fig. 7.114. Wire installation in blooming a tip

Insert the smoothed out end of a wire with the levelled sealant in blooming a tip that the end adjoined to a mark Wire-Stop (fig. 7.114).
Опрессуйте a tip, a wire and a sealant, completely having compressed blooming pincers.
Again open pincers and take a ready tip.

Fig. 7.115. An example correct опрессовки wires

Correctly executed опрессовка differs pure compression of a wire and a sealant in a tip, and on its underside there is a stamping which designates that опрессовка has been executed квалифицированно and with the appropriate tool (fig. 7.115).

Wire breakage in one place
Place of repair with one blooming sleeve
Liberate a wire which is necessary for repairing (about 20 sm in both parties from a repair place).
If necessary remove a winding of a plait of conducting by a penknife.
Вырежте the damaged piece of a wire pincers for зачистки isolation.

If both remained ends of a wire because of a cutting of the damaged piece appear too short for repair with one blooming sleeve follows use a piece of a wire of the corresponding length, having established two blooming sleeves.

Fig. 7.116. Зачистка wires

Smooth out 6–7 mm of isolation from the ends of a wire by means of pincers for зачистки isolation (fig. 7.116).

Fig. 7.117. Опрессовка a blooming sleeve

Spread a blooming sleeve on both smoothed out ends of a wire and опрессуйте its blooming pincers (fig. 7.117).

Be convinced of use of a suitable tip for the used blooming sleeve.

Wire isolation опрессовывать it is impossible.
After опрессовки it is necessary to set a blooming sleeve not to admit hit in it a moisture.
Establish a nozzle on the industrial hair dryer, 220 In 50 Hz.

Fig. 7.118. A warming up of a blooming sleeve

Warm up a blooming sleeve the hair dryer in a longitudinal direction from the middle to edges while it will not be compressed completely and on the ends glue (fig. 7.118) will act.

At усадке blooming connections to watch that a hot nozzle of the hair dryer do not damage other wires, plastic details or isolation.
Observe instructions of the operation manual on the hair dryer

In need of repair of several wires it is necessary to observe certain distance between blooming sleeves. That in a grasp the plait of wires has not appeared after repair too thick, blooming sleeves establish with some displacement rather each other.
If initially repaired place has been wound by an insulating tape after its repair it is necessary to wind with a yellow insulating tape.
The repaired plait of wires after should be fixed if necessary a collar for a coupler of wires to avoid extraneous sounds at driving.

7.5.13. The general instructions on repair electricians of the car

7.5.15. Breakage of a wire with repair in two places