7.5.13. The general instructions on repair electricians of the car
At switching-off and connection АКБ necessarily observe the sequence of actions described in the repair manual.
Some tools have a safety loop, which after tool use should be dressed on a working part of the tool to protect the tool from damages, and the worker from traumas.
At any repair observe operating instructions of corresponding repair manuals.
Observe the rules operating in the country.
Before works with an electric equipment it is necessary disconnect a wire of weight from the storage battery.
Having turned off a wire of weight from the storage battery (the current termination in a chain) to secure works on an electric equipment. To turn off плюсовую the plug it is necessary only for removal of the storage battery.
Before the repair beginning it is necessary to eliminate at first the damage reason, for example, details of a body with keen edges, the faulty electric consumer, corrosion.
At repair of conducting of an onboard network carrying out of welding works is forbidden.
Repair of conducting and tips of an onboard network is authorised to be spent only by means of a set for repair of cables.
At repair of cables use only wires of yellow colour.
It is forbidden to wind the repaired places of wires again in a standard automobile insulating tape, these places are necessary for designating a yellow insulating tape.
Yellow wires and the places designated by a yellow insulating tape, specify that earlier out repairs here have been carried.
It is forbidden to repair blooming sleeves. At possibility to spend a new wire in parallel damaged.
After опрессовки it is necessary to set a blooming sleeve not to admit hit in it a moisture.
Necessarily observe additional instructions on conducting repair in systems of pillows of safety and натяжителей seat belts, optical paths, wires of tyre CAN, antenna cables and wires section to 0,35 мм2.
After each repair it is necessary to test work of the repaired element. If necessary it is necessary to consider memories of malfunctions, to clear them and-or to return systems in a starting position.
Whenever possible do not turn off a wire of weight from a body (danger of corrosion).
Repair of wires in systems of pillows of safety and натяжителей seat belts
In addition to the general repair of conducting at repair of wires in systems of pillows of safety and натяжителей seat belts it is necessary observe following instructions
The system of pillows of safety and преднатяжителей seat belts can fail.
Non-observance of instructions at repair of plaits of wires преднатяжителей and safety pillows can lead to refusal of these systems of passive safety.
At repair of wires of pillows of safety and натяжителей seat belts it is authorised use only the contacts intended for it, tips and wires.
Wires of pillows of safety and натяжителей belts are authorised to be repaired only by means of a set for repair of cables.
Follow instructions of labels on parts of the car, concerning elements with the raised pressure. At repair work it is necessary to dump residual pressure.
The wire of a pillow of safety or натяжителя a seat belt is authorised to be repaired no more, than in two places ( fig. 7.108).
Places where out repairs have been carried, increase electric resistance, and thus can cause failures in system self-diagnostics.
At repair of plaits of wires of the module of a pillow of safety and натяжителя a seat belt blooming connectors should be necessarily set not to admit corrosion.
At repair of cables use only wires of yellow colour.
Not to wind the repaired place with a standard insulating tape, it should be designated, having wound with a yellow insulating tape.
The repaired place in the field of a pillow of safety and натяжителя a seat belt should be not further than in 30 sm from the following case of a socket ( fig. 7.109).
Together with a designation yellow изоляционной a tape it provides the easy review of the spent repair work.
Wires to пиропатронам (safety pillows) in a batch production have скрутку with step of 20 mm 5. Such step скрутки is designated in a batch production by numbers of standard details for pairs of wires, therefore at repair follows necessarily observe a step of twisted wires.
At wire repair to пиропатронам (safety pillows) should be identical length. At twisting of wires 1 and 2 the step скрутки A=20 mm ( fig. 7.110) should be by all means sustained .
Thus the wire piece, for example, in the field of welded contacts more long B=100 mm without twisting of wires should not be formed.