7.2.9. Check of level of electrolit – АКБ with stoppers
At the reference with electrolit it is necessary to observe necessarily instructions on prevention of accidents.
Fig. 7.13. The device for check of level of electrolit in АКБ
It is necessary to wear special protective clothes.
Illumination of internal space of the case of the accumulator make only by means of a pocket small lamp.
Categorically it is forbidden to highlight internal space of the case of the accumulator by means of an open flame.
Categorically the finding with an open flame or with burning cigarette near to accumulators is forbidden.
Correct level of electrolit of the accumulator is the important factor influencing duration of working capacity of the accumulator.
In accumulators with mark of a minimum clearly visible outside and a maximum external visual check of level of electrolit of the accumulator is required only.
Electrolit level should be over a minimum mark, however it is not supposed, that it was above a maximum mark.
Turn off stoppers on accumulators on which external marks of a minimum and a maximum or visibility of level of electrolit are indistinctly looked through it is not provided because of an insufficient transparency of the case of the accumulator.
Check up electrolit level, having glanced in the accumulator.
The electrolit should be up to standard of an internal mark (a cross-beam from plastic). It corresponds to an external label of a maximum level
Too low level of electrolit
At too low level of electrolit because of drying of plates of the accumulator there is a capacity loss (capacity loss) the accumulator. If accumulator plates are not in electrolit (a water solution of sulfuric acid) there is a corrosion of plates, crosspieces of a plate and connectors of sections. This corrosion worsens working capacity of the accumulator – the accumulator fails.
Fig. 7.14. Capacity for electrolit pouring in АКБ
At too low level of electrolit to add the distilled water by means of capacity for pouring of accumulators VAS 5045 to макс. Marks ( fig. 7.14).
The design of a jellied branch pipe of capacity for pouring of accumulator VAS 5045 prevents overflow of section of the accumulator and an electrolit exit outside. At achievement макс. Filling level giving of the distilled water in accumulator section stops.
Not to admit pollution of electrolit of the accumulator conducting to the raised self-discharge, it is authorised to add only the distilled water.
Twirl stoppers of sections of the accumulator.
To provide tightness of various systems of covers of accumulators, in accumulator apertures the original stoppers concerning the accumulator should be screwed up. At утере or damage it is supposed to use only original stoppers of the same design.
Stoppers should be supplied by a sealing ring.
Too high уровеньэлектролита
If electrolit level is too high (the accumulator is overflowed) because of an electrolit exit (a water solution of sulfuric acid) the damage to an accumulator environment is caused.
If electrolit level is over an internal mark of level of electrolit (a cross-beam from plastic) and, accordingly, over an external mark of a maximum the electrolit should be pumped out without fail.
Turn off stoppers of sections of the accumulator.
Pump out sulfuric acid a usual pipette until its level will not be established at height of a plastic cross-beam or макс. Marks.
Twirl stoppers of sections of the accumulator.
To provide tightness of various systems of covers of accumulators, in accumulator apertures the original stoppers concerning the accumulator should be screwed up. At утере or damage it is supposed to use only original stoppers of the same design.
Stoppers should be supplied by a sealing ring.