7.2.6. Check of reliability of fastening АКБCheck up stirring reliability of fastening of the accumulator.
At unsteadily fixed АКБ there are following dangers.
Smaller service life because of damages at vibration.
At wrong fastening of the storage battery there is a danger of damage of its trellised plates.
Damage of the case of the storage battery as a result of a friction about bracket fastenings (possibility of leak of electrolit that becomes the reason of expensive repair).
Deterioration of passive safety at failure.
Watch that the hose газоотвода has been fixed on АКБ.
In АКБ with a hose / a pipe central газоотвода АКБ watch that the hose has not been pressed. Only in this case gases can freely leave from the storage battery.
АКБ with central газоотводом
Accumulators of the newest generation are equipped central газоотводом АКБ and protection against return ignition so-called "sintering".
Gas allocated at gymnastics leaves on the central highway, through an aperture in the top party of a cover. In the same place protection against the return ignition, preventing ignition of the combustible gas which is in the accumulator is established also. Protection against return ignition consists of a small round fiber glass floor-mat in diameter about 15 mm and thickness of 2 mm. It works as the valve, i.e. allows to leave to gas formed in the accumulator.