Audi A4 with 2001- 2005 of release.
1. Operation and car maintenance service
2. The engine
3. Transmission
4. A running gear
5. The steering mechanism
6. Brake system
7. An onboard electric equipment
7.1. The general data
7.2. Power supplies system
7.2.1. The storage battery
7.2.2. Switching-off and connection of the storage battery in a motor compartment
7.2.3. Switching-off and connection of the storage battery in a luggage carrier
7.2.4. Removal and installation of the storage battery in a motor compartment
7.2.5. Removal and installation of the storage battery in a luggage carrier
7.2.6. Check of reliability of fastening АКБ
7.2.7. Accumulators with a magic eye
7.2.8. Measurement of pressure of rest
7.2.9. Check of level of electrolit – АКБ with stoppers
7.2.10. Check of density of electrolit in all sections – АКБ with stoppers
7.2.11. Pressure measurement under loading
7.2.12. Gymnastics of the storage battery
7.2.13. Strongly discharged АКБ
7.2.14. Fast gymnastics of accumulators
7.3. The generator
7.4. A starter
7.5. Relay blocks, sockets and safety locks
8. A body
9. Electric equipment schemes



7.2.14. Fast gymnastics of accumulators

At fast gymnastics it is not authorised to hold the accumulator connected to an onboard network. Disconnect a wire of weight and плюсовой a wire.
The fast gymnastics of deeply discharged accumulators are not supposed.

Accumulator stoppers at a gymnastics, measurement of pressure and measurement of a current of loading should be always densely twirled.

Provide good ventilation.
In premises in which the accumulator gymnastics are made, there should not be sources of direct light, and these premises should not be used for smoking. It is connected by that in the course of gymnastics inflammable gas is allocated.
Observe instructions under safety precautions of manufacturers зарядных devices and accumulators.

The temperature of the storage battery should be not more low 10 C.
The accumulator should be charged quickly only in exceptional cases (for example, for simplification of start-up), at fast gymnastics it can receive damages.

7.2.13. Strongly discharged АКБ

7.3. The generator