Audi A4 with 2001- 2005 of release.
1. Operation and car maintenance service
2. The engine
3. Transmission
4. A running gear
5. The steering mechanism
6. Brake system
7. An onboard electric equipment
7.1. The general data
7.2. Power supplies system
7.2.1. The storage battery
7.2.2. Switching-off and connection of the storage battery in a motor compartment
7.2.3. Switching-off and connection of the storage battery in a luggage carrier
7.2.4. Removal and installation of the storage battery in a motor compartment
7.2.5. Removal and installation of the storage battery in a luggage carrier
7.2.6. Check of reliability of fastening АКБ
7.2.7. Accumulators with a magic eye
7.2.8. Measurement of pressure of rest
7.2.9. Check of level of electrolit – АКБ with stoppers
7.2.10. Check of density of electrolit in all sections – АКБ with stoppers
7.2.11. Pressure measurement under loading
7.2.12. Gymnastics of the storage battery
7.2.13. Strongly discharged АКБ
7.2.14. Fast gymnastics of accumulators
7.3. The generator
7.4. A starter
7.5. Relay blocks, sockets and safety locks
8. A body
9. Electric equipment schemes



7.2.12. Gymnastics of the storage battery

Zarjadnye devices charge АКБ without peak values of a current and pressure. Therefore АКБ it is possible to charge also in the established condition. Thus it is necessary to observe safety precautions regulations. Both devices have a mode of buffer indemnification at which the device incurs a food of electric chains.

For work on an electric equipment with the electroconsumers included from time to time it is necessary to charge the accumulator зарядным the device with a mode of buffer indemnification to avoid damage АКБ.

Provide good ventilation.
In premises in which the accumulator gymnastics are made, there should not be sources of direct light, and these premises should not be used for smoking. It is connected by that in the course of gymnastics inflammable gas is allocated.
Observe instructions under safety precautions of manufacturers зарядных devices and accumulators.

Fast gymnastics of the accumulator
Switch off зарядное the accumulator device.

On cars with system Telematik before switching-off АКБ activate an operating mode of the block of management Telematik.

For the cars equipped with a radio tape recorder / by radio navigating system with a protective code (only cars of other manufacturers), consider a protective code, if necessary request it.
Switch off ignition.

The accumulator in a motor compartment

Fig. 7.2. Removal of a cover of the storage battery

If is available, shift to the right a cover over the accumulator 1 and remove its movement upwards 2 (fig. 7.2).

Fig. 7.3. Installation – plugs of the storage battery

Disconnect a wire of weight 1 from a negative pole of the accumulator and disconnect плюсовой a wire 2 from a positive pole of the accumulator (fig. 7.3).

Fig. 7.16. Connection charger devices to АКБ in a motor compartment

Connect a clip 5 плюсового wires charger devices 1 to a conclusion of a positive pole 4, and a clip of 2 wires of weight charger devices – to a conclusion of a negative pole 3 (fig. 7.16).

The accumulator in a luggage carrier
Shift to the right a cover over a conclusion of a positive pole 1 and remove its movement upwards 2 (fig. 7.2).
Disconnect a clip and to open a cover 2 over a conclusion of a positive pole.

Fig. 7.17. Connection charger devices to АКБ in a luggage carrier

Connect a clip 3 плюсового wires charger devices to a conclusion of a positive pole 4, and a clip of 5 wires of weight charger devices – to a conclusion of a negative pole 1 (fig. 7.17).

For all accumulators
Establish зарядный a current on зарядном the device according to accumulator capacity.
The zarjadnyj current should make прибл. 10 % from accumulator capacity (for the accumulator in capacity 60 And/hour прибл. 6).
Include зарядное the device.
Upon termination of gymnastics once again check up pressure of rest АКБ.
Connect the accumulator.

7.2.11. Pressure measurement under loading

7.2.13. Strongly discharged АКБ