4.1.10. Measurement of height of drawing of a protector
To make gaugings for definition of height of drawing of a protector follows in the basic dredging of a protector.
Not to measure on TWI (Tread Wear Indikator means. The indicator of deterioration of a protector).
To measure height of drawing of a protector follows in the basic dredging of a protector in the most strongly worn out places of the tyre. Positions of indicators of deterioration of a protector are visible on a protector shoulder.
Instead of TWI the badge D or „a firm logo manufacturer can be specified.
Ledges of the indicator of deterioration of a protector have height of 1,6 mm. This size is the minimum depth of drawing of the protector, ordered in Germany legislatively.
In other countries other norms can operate.
Fig. 4.5. Indication of deterioration of the tyre: A – labels of the indicator of deterioration of a protector in the basic flutes of a protector; B – the basic flutes of a protector with labels of the indicator of deterioration of a protector
Labels of indicators of deterioration of a protector cannot be taken into consideration at measurement. The size in the deepest place of a flute of a protector ( fig. 4.5) is solving .