2.10.7. Removal and installation of a gear belt
Fig. 2.489. Components of a drive of a gear belt: 1 – a bolt 120 Нм + to tighten on 90 (1/4 about.); 2 – a bolt 20 Нм; 3 – bypass a roller; 4 – 20 Нм + to tighten on 45 (1/8 about.); 5 – a tension roller; 6 – a gear belt of drive ГРМ; 7 – a bolt 25 Нм; 8 – приводная a camshaft asterisk; 9 – a bolt 25 Нм; 10 – приводная a camshaft asterisk; 11 – a bolt 100 Нм; 12 – a bolt 100 Нм; 13 – a nave of a final cam-shaft; 14 – a nave of an inlet cam-shaft; 15 – a back cover of a gear belt; 16 – a rubber tip; 17 – a bolt 10 Нм; 18 – a sealing ring; 19 – the water pump; 20 – a bolt 13 Нм; 21 – a belt asterisk crankshaftа; 22 – bypass a roller; 23 – a bolt 40 Нм + to tighten on 90 (1/4 about.)
Result a radiator framework in service position.
Remove an engine casing.
Remove полиwedge a belt.
Unload a tension element semi wedge a belt ( fig. 2.476).
Wring out a cover гасителя крутильных fluctuations.
Fig. 2.481. Untwisting гасителя крутильных fluctuations
Turn off гаситель крутильных fluctuations, keeping the central bolt накидным a wrench ( fig. 2.481).
Fig. 2.475. Fastening of the top part of a protective casing
Remove the top part of a protective casing, having released fixing скобы ( fig. 2.475).
Fig. 2.490. Fastening of the bottom and average covers of a gear belt
Turn off the bottom and average covers of a gear belt ( fig. 2.490).
To scroll the engine it is authorised only for crankshaft in a rotation direction (clockwise).
Fig. 2.491. Installation crankshaftа in position ВМТ
In ВМТ both gear segments are directed upwards.
Fix naves by means of two lock pins.
Fix a gear wheel of a gear belt crankshaftа by means of a stopper crankshaftа for engines with a round gear wheel of a gear belt crankshaftа or by means of a stopper crankshaftа for engines with an oval gear wheel of a gear belt crankshaftа ( fig. 2.492).
Marks in an asterisk of a gear belt and stopper should be the friend opposite to the friend. Thus the stopper pin should enter into an aperture of a sealing flange.
The stopper can be pulled over an asterisk only from the face party шлицев.
Mark a direction of rotation of a gear belt with a chalk or a felt-tip pen.
Loosen the on two turns bolts of gear wheels of cam-shafts ( fig. 2.491).
Fig. 2.493. Easing of a fixing nut of a tension roller
Loosen the a fixing nut of 1 tension roller ( fig. 2.493).
Turn the clown of a tension roller by means of capture for nuts counter-clockwise that it was possible to fix a tension roller a lock pin.
Fig. 2.494. A tightening of a fixing nut of a tension roller
Then turn capture for nuts clockwise against the stop and tighten by hand a fixing nut 1 ( fig. 2.494).
At first remove a gear belt from the water pump, and then from other asterisks of a gear belt.
Installation (adjustment of phases timing)
Cam-shafts are stopped by 2 lock pin.
Коленвал it is fixed by a stopper crankshaftа for engines with a round gear wheel of a gear belt crankshaftа or by means of a stopper crankshaftа for engines with an oval gear wheel of a gear belt crankshaftа.
The tension roller is fixed by a lock pin and fixed by a fixing nut to the right against the stop.
Adjustment of a gear belt should be carried out only at the cold engine.
At прокручивании a cam-shaft any of pistons crankshaftа should not is in ВМТ.
Fig. 2.495. A correct arrangement of a tension roller in a back protective casing of a gear belt
Check up a correct arrangement of a tension roller in a back protective casing of a gear belt ( fig. 2.495).
Not completely twist bolts.
Gear wheels of cam-shafts should hardly проворачиватся on a nave and should not warp.
Twist gear wheels of cam-shafts in longitudinal grooves on an hour hand against the stop.
Lay a gear belt on a cam-shaft, a tension roller, gear wheels crankshaftов, bypass a roller and in last turn – on a gear wheel of the water pump.
Adjust a tension of a gear belt as follows:
Take a lock pin.
Loosen the a fixing nut of 1 tension roller ( fig. 2.493).
Turn the clown of a tension roller by means of capture for nuts clockwise that the index 2 has settled down in the middle before an aperture in the bottom part картера the engine.
Watch that the nut was not turned together with the clown.
Keep a tension roller in this position and tighten a nut of a tension roller the moment 20 Нм +45 (1/8 turns).
At a tightening of a fixing nut the index turns макс. On 5 mm to the right from an aperture in the bottom part картера the engine. This position cannot be changed, as the gear belt settles in due course.
Fig. 2.496. Fixing of a preliminary tension of a gear belt
Put a countersupport, as is shown in drawing 2.496, and pressing in a direction keep a preliminary tension of a gear belt ( fig. 2.496).
Tighten bolts of both gear wheels of cam-shafts with the moment 25 Нм.
Remove lock pins and a stopper crankshaftа.
The control of phases of distribution
Turn crankshaft on 2 turns in a direction of rotation of the engine that crankshaft has again settled down almost in ВМТ.
To scroll the engine it is authorised only for crankshaft in a rotation direction (clockwise).
Fix a nave And from rotation in a direction of a shaft of the engine by means of a lock pin ( fig. 2.497).
Check following points.
Whether the nave of Vstopornym is fixed by a pin.
Whether it is fixed crankshaft by a stopper.
Whether the index of a tension roller in the middle or макс is located. In 5 mm to the right of an aperture in the bottom part картера the engine.