2.2.6. Check and, at necessity, refuelling of a cooling liquid
In all new engines new cooling liquid G 12 Plus is filled in agrees TL VW 774 F (lilac colour). G 12 Plus it is possible to mix with applied earlier cooling liquids G 11 and G 12 (red colour) However follows pay attention that in connection with improvement of quality for доливки use only cooling liquid G 12 Plus.
Cooling liquid G 12 Plus is suitable for pouring in engines with blocks from grey pig-iron and цельноалюминиевые engines for all term of their operation and is optimum protection of the engine against a frost, corrosion and an overheat.
Cooling liquid G 12 Plus raises a boiling point to 135 C and provides the best heat removal.
The share of a cooling liquid should make not less than 40 % (frost resistance to–25 C) and no more than 60 % (frost resistance to–40 C), its protective qualities differently decrease and cooling action worsens.
Frost resistance should be provided at temperature approximately to–25 C.
Check up antifreeze level, if necessary add cooling liquid
Values for described below check are specified in the table of light-to-dark borders. For more evident definition of light-to-dark border, a pipette to put a water drop on glass. The light-to-dark border is accurately defined on WATERLINE.
Check up concentration of a cooling liquid with the help рефрактометра (Observe operation manual instructions).
The scale 1 рефрактометра is valid for cooling liquids G 12; G12 Plus and G 11.
The scale 2 is valid only for cooling liquid G 13 (initial L80) ( fig. 2.33).
Frost resistance should be provided at temperature nearby–25 C.
If on environmental conditions application of antifreeze with higher factor of frost resistance share G 12 Plus can be increased is required, but only to 60 % (frost resistance nearby–40 C), its protective qualities differently decrease and cooling action worsens.
At too insufficient frost resistance of antifreeze merge specified in the table of application of antifreezes a difference of volumes and add G 12 Plus.
After carrying out of a trial trip again check up concentration of a cooling liquid.
Check up antifreeze level, if necessary add cooling liquid
Fig. 2.34. Levels on the case of a tank with a cooling liquid
Check up level of a cooling liquid in a tank at the cold engine ( fig. 2.34).
At leak of the cooling liquid which has been not caused by service conditions, find out and eliminate its reason.
The additive of cooling liquid G 12 Plus it agree TL VW 774 F protects from the damages caused by freezing, corrosion, liming and, besides, raises boiling temperature. In this connection the cooling system should be all year long filled by a liquid for protection of a radiator against freezing and corrosion.
Thanks to the raised boiling point the cooling liquid promotes increase in an operational resource of the engine at high loadings, especially in the countries with a tropical climate.
Even in a hot season or at car operation in tropical countries concentration of a cooling liquid do not reduce. The share of a cooling liquid should make a minimum of 40 %.