Audi A4 with 2001- 2005 of release.
1. Operation and car maintenance service
1.1. The general data
1.2. Keys, locks of doors
1.3. Controls, a combination of devices and the equipment of salon of the car
1.3.1. The central console
1.3.2. Control lamps of a combination of devices
1.3.3. Information system of the driver (FIS)
1.3.4. The monitoring system of malfunctions
1.3.5. The onboard computer
1.3.6. The monitoring system of pressure of air in tyres
1.3.7. Illumination system
1.3.8. Salon illumination
1.3.9. Screen wipers
1.3.10. A mate rear-view mirror
1.3.11. External mirrors
1.3.12. The salon equipment
1.4. Seats and means of passive safety
1.5. Air-conditioning and heating
1.6. Driving and car service
2. The engine
3. Transmission
4. A running gear
5. The steering mechanism
6. Brake system
7. An onboard electric equipment
8. A body
9. Electric equipment schemes



1.3.5. The onboard computer

The onboard computer analyzes and deduces on the display of value of a stock of a course on fuel, time in a way, the average expense of fuel, average speed, the fuel expense at present and the passed way.
The onboard computer analyzes and deduces on display FIS нижеперечисленные the data.

Fig. 1.51. Indication of the onboard computer the current expense of fuel

6 types of information (a course stock on fuel, time in ways, the average expense of fuel, average speed, the current expense of fuel and the passed way) are deduced on display FIS in the above-stated sequence (fig. 1.51).
All an indicator (the average expense of fuel and the current expense of fuel, a course stock on the fuel, the passed way both average speed and the fuel expense at present) are displayed in metric, and in certain export variants in English system of units.

The onboard computer is completed with two automatically working memories.

Fig. 1.52. A cell of memory 1

Indication of level of the memory included at present is deduced on the display in a kind инверсивного (negative) number. Occurrence on figure 1 display means a conclusion of the data of a single memory (a cell of memory 1) (fig. 1.52). Occurrence on figure 2 display means a conclusion of the data of the general memory (a cell of memory 2).

Single memory
The single memory accumulates the information from the moment of inclusion of ignition till the moment of its deenergizing. At renewal of movement during 2 ч after ignition deenergizing to already saved up information new values are added. At a break of movement more than 2 ч there is an automatic dump of the data of a memory.

The general memory
Automatic dump of the data of memory of the general memory is impossible. It it differs from a single memory. Thanks to it it is possible to establish a time interval of the analysis of the information or the data.

Management of the onboard computer
Management of the onboard computer is carried out by two switches mounted in the handle of management by a screen wiper.

Sample of functions
Press the top or bottom party of the switch of functions And (fig. 1.53). There is a consecutive conclusion to the display of 6 functions of the onboard computer.

Fig. 1.53. Controls the onboard computer

Installation of zero values
Will choose actual function.
Press and keep a minimum one second the dump button (RESET) In (fig. 1.53).
The dump button it is possible to null following values:
– Time in a way;
– The average expense of fuel;
– Average speed of movement;
– The passed way.
The onboard computer works only at the included ignition. At ignition inclusion on the display last is deduced at the moment of deenergizing of ignition function. Short pressing of the switch of functions And or dump buttons In it is possible to disconnect also indication of a reminder on necessity of a break of movement

At a detachment of plugs of the accumulator all saved up values are erased.

Course stock on fuel
The given indication helps at planning.
On the display there is an indication of a stock of a course in kilometres. The given indication shows, how many kilometres the car still can pass on the actual rest of fuel in the given mode of movement. The course stock on fuel is defined by the discrete values counted by steps on 10 km.
The expense of fuel on the last is accepted to a basis of calculations of a stock of a course of 30 km of a way. At more economic subsequent movement the course stock increases.

Time in a way
Time indication in a way reminds of necessity of a break for movement.
On the display time in a way with readout from the moment of last dump of the data of memory of a memory is deduced. At desire to reckon time in a way since the certain moment, clear memory button "RESET" pressing.

Single memory
If the movement break makes more than two hours there is an automatic dump of indication of time in a way.

The general memory
Value of time in a way remains at the switched off ignition. At movement continuation to it the subsequent time of movement is added.

Reminder on necessity of a break in movement
In two hours after a start of motion, irrespective of the programmed function, there is an automatic switching on time display in a way. Blinking indication of a kind 2:00 reminds the driver of necessity to make a break in movement.
Short-term pressing the top or bottom party of the switch of functions or button "RESET" the given indication can be switched off.
At continuation of movement or if the break makes less than 10 mines in each next two hours the reminder on necessity will stop on rest to repeat with time indication in a kind way 4:00, 6:00 etc. At duration of a break more than 10 mines occur to the switched off ignition dump of the data of readout of time in a way.

The average expense of fuel
The given indication helps at movement planning.
On the display display the average expense of fuel in litres on 100 km, calculated is deduced from the moment of last dump of the data of memory. By means of the given indication it is possible выберать the mode of movement corresponding to the optimum expense of fuel. At desire of definition of the average expense of fuel anew it is necessary to carry out dump of the data of memory by button "RESET" pressing. At journey of the first 30 m after dump on the display zero value is deduced.

Single memory
If the movement break makes more than 2 ч there is an automatic dump of the data of the average expense of fuel.

The general memory
At the switched off ignition value of the average expense of fuel remains in memory. At movement continuation the data of the subsequent expense is considered.

Menu management

Fig. 1.54. Button "RESET" and the switch of functions

Button "RESET" and the switch of functions of the handle of a screen wiper it is possible to cause menu indication, to read out the data and to carry out adjustment (fig. 1.54).

Menu call
Press button "RESET" so often, there will be no yet a menu indication.

Sample and adjustment
For management of menu indication press the switch of functions. Switching (forward/back) is carried out similarly indications.

Input and acknowledgement
Press button "RESET".
Pressing of the switch of functions makes sample of indication of the menu / probably change of parametres of adjustment. The chosen parametres are allocated with a red background.
Button "RESET" pressing the chosen joins the established parametres funktsija/prove to be true. The chosen functions are marked with "tick".

Indication kinds
Initial menu FIS gives the chance samples of 4 kinds of indication.
To four kinds of indication of the initial menu there correspond the functions listed more low.

Einstellen (adjustment, installation)
– Standheizung/-Ltiftung (an independent heater/fan).
– Uhr (hours).
– Computer (computer).
– Tempoalarm (Geschwindig-keitswarnung) (the alarm system of excess of speed).
– Reifendmckwarnung (the monitoring system of pressure of air in tyres).
– Radioanzeige (inclusion/deenergizing).
– Sprache (language).
– Einheiten (switching of units of measure of the passed way, the expense, time zone, temperatures).

Abfragen (inquiry)
– Service (maintenance service).
– Menu aus (menu deenergizing).
On the display there is a usual indication, as well as on cars without menu indication.

Hilfe (help)

Fig. 1.55. The menu Hilfe

The given function will help to choose and enter correctly necessary commands (fig. 1.55).
Help function is caused as follows.
Press button "RESET". There is an initial menu.
The switch of functions choose function Hilfe (help).
Confirm sample by button "RESET" pressing.
For an exit from the help menu again press button "RESET".
The menu Hilfe (help) serves only for the information. Adjustment in the given menu is not represented possible.

Menu management
Button "RESET" and the switch of functions of the handle of a screen wiper it is possible to cause menu indication, to read out the data and to carry out adjustment.

Menu call
Press button "RESET" so often, there will be no yet a menu indication.

Sample and adjustment
For management of menu indication press the switch of functions And (fig. 1.56). Switching (forward/back) is carried out similarly indications.

Fig. 1.56. Button "RESET" and the switch of functions

Input and acknowledgement
Press button "RESET".
Pressing of the switch of functions makes sample of indication of the menu / probably change of parametres of adjustment. The chosen parametres are allocated with a red background.
Button "RESET" pressing the chosen function / joins the established parametres prove to be true. The chosen functions are marked with "tick".

Fig. 1.57. The menu Hilfe

Help function is caused as follows.
Press button "RESET". There is an initial menu.
The switch of functions choose function Hilfe (help).
Confirm sample by button "RESET" pressing.
For an exit from the help menu again press button "RESET".
The menu Hilfe (help) serves only for the information. Adjustment in the given menu is not represented possible.

Adjustment process (a part 1)

Fig. 1.58. Symbols of sample of the menu

Adjustment is carried out through menu commands (fig. 1.58).
Adjustment process is carried out as follows.
Press button "RESET". There is an initial menu (fig. 1.58).

Fig. 1.59. The menu Einstellen

Press the switch of functions so often, there will be no yet „Einstellen (adjustment) (fig. 1.59).
Press button "RESET". There is a menu list.
With button "RESET" pressing mark an actual line (a red background).
Press button "RESET".
Sample and symbol acknowledgement (the following page) or (the previous page) is if necessary possible menu scrolling.
At sample and acknowledgement by pressing of button "RESET" of the menu Computer there are two levels of the menu Computer (Computer 1 and Computer 2). It is necessary for you again выберать the switch of functions corresponding level and confirm sample by button "RESET" pressing.

Adjustment process (a part 2)
To continue adjustment process as follows.

Fig. 1.60. Menu Computer 1, the line Reichweite (a course stock on fuel) is chosen

Pressing of the switch of functions choose an actual line (a red background) (fig. 1.60).
The chosen function joins (button "RESET" pressing) installation in a tick small square ("yes"), and is switched off (button "RESET" pressing) убиранием ticks (no").

Fig. 1.61. Menu Computer 1, the command Zuriick is chosen (back)

Press the switch of functions so often, yet do not choose Zuriick (back) and press button "RESET" to return on higher level of the menu (fig. 1.61).
For some kinds of adjustment input of numerical values is required, for example, at date installation. It also is carried out by pressing of the switch of functions.

Functional example (a part 1)
The resulted example shows the full process of adjustment which are carried out through commands of the menu.
If it is necessary to establish, for example, calendar date for this purpose it is necessary to press button "RESET". There is an initial menu.

Fig. 1.62. The initial menu, the line Einstellen is chosen

Press the switch of functions there will be no yet an indication Einstellen (adjustment) (fig. 1.62).
Press button "RESET". There is a list will change „Einstellen (adjustment).

Fig. 1.63. Menu Einstellen, the line Uhr is chosen

Press the switch of functions, there will be no yet an indication Uhr (hours) (fig. 1.63).
Press button "RESET". There is an adjustment menu Uhr (hours).

Functional example (a part 2)
Continue process of adjustment of date as follows.

Fig. 1.64. The menu Uhr, the line Datum is chosen

Press the switch of functions so often, there will be no yet an indication Datum (date) (fig. 1.64).
If before indication Datum there is an empty small square, press button "RESET". Now in a small square there should be a tick.

Fig. 1.65. The menu Uhr, date installation

Press the switch of functions so often, there will be no yet a date indication. Press button "RESET". Indication of day (fig. 1.65) starts to blink.
Pressing the top/bottom party of the switch of functions establish correct numerical value of day. Press button "RESET". Indication of month Now blinks.
In the same way establish if necessary month and year.

Functional example (a part 3)

Fig. 1.66. The menu Uhr, the command Zuriick is chosen

For an exit from the menu of adjustment of date it is necessary to press the switch of functions so often, there will be no yet an indication Zuriick (back) (fig. 1.66).
Press button "RESET". Again there is a menu Einstellen (adjustment).
Again press button "RESET". Again there is an initial menu.

1.3.4. The monitoring system of malfunctions

1.3.6. The monitoring system of pressure of air in tyres