3.2.4. Level check трансмиссионного oils in a mechanical transmission
At level check трансмиссионного oils the car should be in horizontal position.
Operating procedure
For level check трансмиссионного oils turn away a stopper маслозаливной mouths ( fig. 3.51).
Check up oil level the self-made adaptation, for example, by means of the braided wire.
Oil level in a check point with letter designation GYH
Preset value: oil level in norm if reaches a bottom edge маслозаливного check point apertures.
Oil level in a check point with other letter designations
Preset value: oil level on 2 1 mm below a bottom edge маслозаливного apertures.
If necessary add трансмиссионное oil.
Wrap a stopper маслозаливной mouths.
The inhaling moment
Stopper маслозаливной mouths: 40 Нм.