5.1.3. Check of system of a steering on tightness
To check tightness of system of a steering it is necessary after carrying out of installation works and in the absence of oil in a tank.
Start the engine.
Turn a steering wheel in both parties against the stop and quickly fix. Thus in system the greatest possible pressure is created.
In order to avoid damage of the pump during this check the steering wheel should not be in extreme position more than 10 with.
In such position is necessary to check up on негерметичность following details:
– A sealing ring of a gear wheel on клапанном the case of the steering mechanism;
– All connections of pipelines;
– Sealing rings gear рейки.
This check is spent only at the cuffs shifted back.
Open a spring clip and a collar with an ear on a cuff.
Remove a cuff back.
If in the case of the steering mechanism and-or in cuffs oil it is necessary to replace the steering mechanism is visible.