3.4.4. Dismantling трипоидного hinge AAR 2600i or 3300iRemoval
Power shaft clamp in a vice in horizontal position.
Use unprofitable protective sponges for a vice.
Watch, that the power shaft has not received damages.
Note position of an element of the hinge in relation to a power shaft
If them not to mark and at assemblage to establish them not on a former place, later at operation there can be noise.
For drawing of marks the waterproof felt-tip pen approaches.
Open collars.
Differences of power shafts AAR 2600i and AAR 3300i
Define the size And, as is shown in drawing 3.125.
The size And 74 mm = power shaft AAR 2600i.
The size And 77 mm = power shaft AAR 3300i.
Watch use of the corresponding special tool for those or other power shafts.
Enter for a hinge element the assembly tool for трипоидного hinge AAR 3300i or the assembly tool for трипоидного hinge AAR 2600i ( fig. 3.126).
The directing pin 1 should adjoin to an external element of the hinge.
The assembly tool finish to a contact of an element of the hinge rotation of screws with накатанными heads 2.
The hinge element should be fixed in the assembly tool or without люфтов.
Screws 2 tighten only by hand.
Fig. 3.127. Installation of the assembly tool for power shaft AAR 3300i
In drawing 3.127 the assembly tool for power shaft AAR 3300i is shown.
For power shaft AAR 2600i use the assembly tool.
By means of a percussion instrument remove a hinge element in a horizontal direction.
Fig. 3.128. Label drawing on the hinge: 1 – a power shaft; 2 – an asterisk трипоидного the hinge
Mark with risks assembly position of details 1 and 2 ( fig. 3.128).
If them not to mark and at assemblage to establish them not on a former place, later at operation there can be noise.
For drawing of marks the waterproof felt-tip pen approaches.
Remove greasing неразлохмаченной a rag.
Fig. 3.129. Removal of a lock ring: 1 – pincers (usual)
Fig. 3.130. Выпрессовка asterisks трипоидного the hinge from a power shaft
Выпрессуйте an asterisk трипоидного the hinge from a power shaft ( fig. 3.130).
Assembly adaptation T10065/4 do not establish on a body качения.
Pull together duster the hinge
Remove greasing from shaft teeths
Check up deterioration of a body качения and directing
Почиситите a power shaft and the case.