Audi A4 with 2001- 2005 of release.
1. Operation and car maintenance service
2. The engine
3. Transmission
3.1. Coupling
3.2. A mechanical transmission
3.3. An automatic transmission
3.4. The privodnoj mechanism
3.4.1. Power shaft repair on трипоидном hinge AAR 2000
3.4.2. Repair of the external hinge of equal angular speeds
3.4.3. Dismantling and assemblage прочеканенного трипоидного hinge AAR 2600i or 3300i
3.4.4. Dismantling трипоидного hinge AAR 2600i or 3300i
3.4.5. Assemblage трипоидного hinge AAR 2600i or 3300i
3.5. Tables
4. A running gear
5. The steering mechanism
6. Brake system
7. An onboard electric equipment
8. A body
9. Electric equipment schemes



3.4.1. Power shaft repair on трипоидном hinge AAR 2000

Fig. 3.106. Power shaft components on трипоидном hinge AAR 2000: 1 – a bolt; 2 – a collar; 3 – duster the SHRUS; 4 – a collar; 5 – a bolt with an internal polyhedron; 6 – a hinge element; 7 – an asterisk of hinge "Трипод" with rollers; 8 – a lock ring; 9 – a sealing ring; 10 – a cover; 11 – a collar; 12 – duster hinge "Трипод"; 13 – a power shaft; 14 – a lock ring; 15 – a shrus external

Volumes and greasing type
Filling of external hinges with greasing G 000 603.
Filling трипоидных hinges greasing G 000 605.

At replacement duster anew смажте the hinge.

Dismantling трипоидного the hinge
Clamp a power shaft in a vice
Use unprofitable protective sponges for a vice.
Open tightening a collar on an element of the hinge and remove duster the hinge back.

Fig. 3.107. Cover removal

Shlitsevoj screw-driver unbend metal uvulas and hook a cover (fig. 3.107).

Fig. 3.108. Components трипоидного the hinge: 1 – a hinge element; 2 – an asterisk трипоидного the hinge; 3 – a power shaft

Assembly position of parts 1–3 note hyphens (fig. 3.108).
If them do not mark and at assemblage to establish them not on a former place, later at operation there can be noise.
For drawing of marks the waterproof felt-tip pen approaches.
Take a round sealing ring (arrow) from a flute.
Holding a hinge holder, take a power shaft from a vice.

Fig. 3.109. Removal of a lock ring: 1 – пассатижи for lock rings (usual)

Remove a lock ring from an asterisk трипоидного the power shaft hinge / (fig. 3.109).
In case of damage duster the hinge remove it, having cut, for example, scissors. Otherwise cautiously turn out it back.
Insert a power shaft into a vice.

Fig. 3.110. Выпрессовка asterisks трипоидного щарнира from a power shaft

Keep a power shaft and выпрессуйте an asterisk трипоидного щарнира from a power shaft (fig. 3.110).
Watch, that at выпрессовке bodies качения remained free.
Remove an asterisk трипоидного the hinge with rollers and to put on a pure surface.
Separate a holder of the hinge from a power shaft.
Remove duster the hinge from a power shaft.
Clear a power shaft, an element of the hinge and a flute for consolidation.

Assemblage трипоидного the hinge
Establish a protective cover of the hinge on a power shaft.
Establish a hinge element on a power shaft.

Fig. 3.111. A facet on hinge "Трипод" asterisk

The facet on an asterisk is directed to a shaft, it facilitates installation (fig. 3.111).
Before монтажем the hinge or an asterisk трипоидного the hinge And it is necessary to cover teeths with a thin layer of the greasing used for the hinge.
Establish an asterisk трипоидного the hinge on a shaft according to a mark and fill against the stop.
The assistant removing duster of the hinge back is for this purpose necessary.

Fig. 3.112. Asterisk installation трипоидного the hinge on a shaft

Use 3.112 special tools presented in drawing.
Establish a lock ring, watch correctness of landing.
Enter into hinge "Трипод" 80 г greasings for power shafts from the repair complete set.
Shift an element of the hinge by means of rollers and fix.
Enter from the back party of hinge "Трипод" 30 г greasings for power shafts from the repair complete set.
Establish duster. The ledge in a cover should enter into a flute of the case of the hinge.
Take a power shaft from a vice and fix a hinge holder.
Establish in a flute a new sealing ring from the repair complete set (fig. 3.108).

Fig. 3.113. Cover installation

Establish on a hinge element a new cover. Apertures of a cover and a hinge holder should coincide (fig. 3.113).
Establish a collar.

3.4. The privodnoj mechanism

3.4.2. Repair of the external hinge of equal angular speeds