Audi A4 with 2001- 2005 of release.
1. Operation and car maintenance service
1.1. The general data
1.2. Keys, locks of doors
1.3. Controls, a combination of devices and the equipment of salon of the car
1.4. Seats and means of passive safety
1.5. Air-conditioning and heating
1.5.1. Heating and ventilation system
1.5.2. Дефлекторы
1.5.3. A mode of giving of fresh air
1.5.4. The conditioner
1.5.5. Controls кондицонером
1.5.6. An independent heater and the fan
1.5.7. Management of the menu of an independent heater
1.6. Driving and car service
2. The engine
3. Transmission
4. A running gear
5. The steering mechanism
6. Brake system
7. An onboard electric equipment
8. A body
9. Electric equipment schemes

jac дистрибьютор в рф 9975039f


1.5.4. The conditioner

The description
The conditioner at any time year automatically maintains the set temperature in car salon.
Recommended all-weather typical adjustment:
– Establish temperature 22 С and press a key AUTO.
Such adjustment provides as much as possible fast creation in salon of a comfortable microclimate. To change it there is a sense only in the event that it is dictated by own state of health.
The conditioner represents комбиницию a heater, the fan and a cooler, working in an automatic mode. The conditioner provides fall of humidity and air cooling in salon.
The conditioner completely automatically supports a uniform microclimate in car salon. For this purpose the temperature arriving on приточным to air channels, and also its mass expense (quantity) and distribution of air streams automatically changes. The conditioner reacts also to strong solar influence and consequently it is not required to introduce manual corrective amendments.

In a mode of cooling humidity of air in salon goes down. Thanks to it it is prevented запотевание glasses.
At high external temperature and humidity from the evaporator water, forming under car a pool can drip сконденсированная. It normally also is not a depressurization sign.

The fan joins in cold weather only after warming up of a cooling liquid to the necessary temperature. The exception makes a mode of heating of a windscreen.
At sharp трогании with completely squeezed out pedal of an accelerator the conditioner compressor is disconnected for some time for realisation of a total power of the engine.
The compressor is disconnected at too heat of a cooling liquid for maintenance of normal cooling of the engine in the conditions of extreme loading.

The filter of catching of harmful substances
The filter of catching of harmful substances (consisting of the filter of catching of the weighed microparticles and the filter with the activated coal) substantially reduces quantity of a dust containing in external air, pollen, gases etc.
Filtering element of the filter of catching of harmful substances change according to the service book for the purpose of prevention of loss of capacity of the conditioner.
At premature deterioration of the filter as a result of car operation in zones with strong air pollution more frequent can be demanded, than предусмотренно by the service book, replacement of a filtering element.

If have arisen suspicion that the conditioner is faulty, it is necessary to include at once a mode ECON and check up the conditioner at the specialised enterprise.

In order to avoid falling warmly – and хладопроизводительности, and also запотевания glasses important that the air inlet before a windscreen was not hammered by snow, ice or foliage.
Arriving through приточные channels and distributed then on all salon air leaves through exhaust cracks under back glass. Therefore do not close their subjects of clothes, etc. things.
The conditioner works most effectively at closed podemno-sdvizhnoj panels of a roof and the lifted glasses. If however air in salon has heated up as a result of long parking of the car on the sun lowering of glasses for short time before conditioner inclusion can accelerate cooling process.

1.5.3. A mode of giving of fresh air

1.5.5. Controls кондицонером