4.2.2. Негерметичность shock-absorbersShock-absorbers often are rejected and vary because of them негерметичности. The researches spent at the stand and on cars have shown that often replacement of ostensibly rejected shock-absorbers was unreasonable.
Small leak of oil (потение) on consolidation of a rod is not at the bottom for shock-absorber replacement. The shock-absorber with oil traces is considered normal under following conditions.
Oil leak (on rice 4.36. It is blacked out) it is visible, but traces look dim, matte or dried up by a dust
Traces of the flowed out oil from the lock damperа (rod consolidation) to (макс.) spring plates
Small leak of oil is advantage as rod consolidation thereby is greased, and term of its service increases. It concerns shock-absorbers of forward and back suspension brackets.